A strategic research and innovation plan that focuses on the impact of food on the health of the world's population


A chain of six concepts over a timespan of ten years forms the Nutrition roadmap; programs combining a chain of research and innovation trajectories.

Gezonde voeding

Concepts within this roadmap

The right choice

The search for the right strategy to motivate consumers to choose a healthier diet

Logo van AkkerTotBord
From farm to fork

Retaining the nutritional value throughout the production process

Logo van MetenIsWeten
Measuring is knowing

Developing technological solutions for measuring the impact food on health

Delicious and healthy

Innovative food products and concepts that contribute to healthy eating habits

Logo van InnerlijkeMens
The inner human

Unravelling and understanding the impact of food on human health 


Logo van BetrokkenConsument
The involved consumer

Involving citizens in R&D in the area of food and health

Meet the roadmap comittee

Johan Geeroms
R&D Manager (voormalig - momenteel gepensioneerd)
Christophe Matthys
Associate Professor
Frédéric Rosseneu
Corporate Business Development Manager
Veerle Carlier
R&D and innovation manager Food

More information?

Ellen Fierens
research manager
Margaux Leemans
innovation manager
Greet Cleemput
Greet Cleemput
program manager