A strategic research and innovation plan for ‘Food Safety’

Food safety

Access to food with a high level of food safety has never been greater. Nevertheless, zero risk does not exist and numerous research and innovation projects on food safety will be developed within the next ten years to further explore and manage (new) risks. 

Labo voedselveiligheid

Concepts within this roadmap

understanding concept logo
Create understanding and appreciation of food safety
concept logo tech enabled
Incorporate technology into a food-safe work environment
farm to fork risks concept logo
Farm to fork risks
Make food safety more sustainable and connected
logo concept trendrisks
Create support for demand-driven food safety problems
pathogen control concept logo
Pathogen Control
Monitor the presence and growth of pathogenic microorganisms
clean production concept logo
Clean production
Monitor hygiene to control food safety

Meet the roadmap comittee

Lieve Herman
Head of departement
Els Rutsaert
Corporate QA director
Sandra Impens
FSQR manager processed Meats belgium
Johan Hallaert
Food Policy Director
Olivier Galard
Group Quality and Food Safety Director

More information?

Timothy Lefeber
research manager
Lars Roba
innovation manager
Steven Van Campenhout
program manager