Soy - Eiwittransitie

LoCoSoy is a collaborative project that was established in response to the Relance 2021 project call and contributes to the target of increasing plant protein, as set out in the Flemish protein strategy.

Why this project?

Local soy cultivation is not new in research. In fact, a lot of studies have been carried out or are ongoing. Local, sustainable production faces quite a few challenges, such as the issue of increasing yields, scaling up (organic) cultivation and securing a sales market. The LoCoSoy project partners aim to operationalise a suitable, low-processing technique for the cultivation of (organic) soybeans at SME level. In addition, despite the fact that the consumption of vegetarian food is increasing, there is still a need to further gauge consumer expectations during the production process rather than once finalised.

This can strengthen (trade) relations between farmers, processors, sellers and consumers, thus boosting the sales market and further expanding the chain. An important aspect in establishing a sustainable chain is a focus on long-term, stable cooperation. In this view, it is essential to guarantee transparency and fair prices at each stage. Manufacturing in Flanders is expensive, which makes it challenging to establish a competitive chain.

Methodology and expected results

LoCoSoy will analyse different revenue models in order to develop a new and necessary economic model allowing all stakeholders in the chain to share benefits, costs and risks. The long-term goal of this project is to enable a local, integrated, sustainable and future-proof value chain for (organic) soy in Flanders.

LoCoSoy's project results will be made available free of charge to all agricultural companies operating in this field.

Target group

Locosoy's target group covers stakeholders in the entire chain, from soybean to finished product. The results are aimed at farmers, sorters, the food industry, retail, catering and consumers.

Project partners

The project is run by a consortium of companies and research partners:

  • Flanders’ FOOD
  • La vie est belle
  • Biograno (farmers Ivan Pollet, Simon Colembie and Karel Dewaele)
  • Colruyt
  • ILVO
  • Inagro
  • UCL (KU Leuven)
Flanders' FOOD logo
La Vie est Belle
Logo Biograno
Colruyt Group Fine Food Meat
KU Leuven

Keen to join?

Locosoy's partners form a private consortium. However, the results of the project will be disseminated to a wider audience through newsletter articles and the Easy Peasy closing event: Easy Peasy:  Easy Peasy: resultaten voor lokale peulvruchtketens - Flanders' FOOD (


Ellen Martens
Ellen Martens
innovation manager
Lore Knaepen
innovation manager