
Logo van FoodSafetyFirst

Meeting stricter safety expectations from consumers and society as a whole

General objectives

Food safety is an absolute priority, also in the vegetable processing industry. Processed vegetables are rarely the cause of food poisoning or foodborne infections. When perceived as food outbreaks, they can however lead to costly recalls and damage to the public image. There is no such thing as 'no risk' and so vigilance is key, also regarding chemical and physical food safety. Possible problems include unwanted process or crop contaminants, accidental presence of allergens in products due to cross-contamination, presence of weeds or foreign bodies, interactions with contact materials (including packaging), etc.

This concept is aimed at research that provides the food processing industry with better insight into (new) food safety risks and specific problems and laying the groundwork for possible solutions. There is also a focus on the development and improvement of applications of new technology which can directly aid companies in the reduction of their food safety risks.

Expected results

  • Faster detection of food safety risks
  • Adapted processes, cleaning and hygienic processes
  • Investing in hygienic production equipment and new technology
  • A company culture that contributes to meeting the high expectations of consumers and society about the safety of processed vegetables.

Other concepts whitin this roadmap

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