Wetenschapper met petri schaaltje

Assessment of microbial protein sources for food and feed

Prometheus is a collaborative business project (type ICON) in which three food companies from different sectors collaborate with research institutes to reach a common objective. This project is also a cross-sectoral intercluster project in collaboration with Catalisti, the spearhead cluster for the chemical industry.

The objective of this project is to obtain a proof of concept that microbial, protein-rich biomass and by-products from citric acid production are suitable as a high-quality protein source in food for both animals and humans. 

Flanders’ FOOD manages and coordinates the project.
The following companies and research groups are responsible for the execution: 

  • Calidris Bio
  • Citrique Belge
  • Nutrition Sciences
  • Fides petfood
  • ILVO
  • VITO

In dit filmpje geven de 4 bedrijven uitleg over hun rol in het project:

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Flanders’ FOOD beheerde en coördineerde het project. Dit project was tevens een cross-sectorieel intercluster project in samenwerking met Catalisti, de speerpuntcluster voor de chemische industrie.

De uitvoering was in handen van volgende bedrijven en onderzoeksinstellingen: 

  • Calidris Bio
  • Citrique Belge 
  • Nutrition Sciences 
  • Fides petfood 
  • ILVO 
  • VITO 
Catalisti Logo
Flanders' FOOD logo
Calidris Bio
Logo Citribel
Nutrition Scienses
Fides Petfood
VITO logo


Calidris Bio is bezig met het verder opschalen van hun productie. De andere parters geven aan nog verder onderzoek te willen uitvoeren om de resultaten te kunnen implementeren.


Lore Knaepen
innovation manager

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