September 2021

Pitch Perfect and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2021

Pitch Perfect and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2021 visual

A one day physical event of intense cross-border pitching, matchmaking and networking in the hearth of Europe

This pitching, matchmaking and networking event brings together the networks of six important bioeconomy platforms: 
Pilots4U, Tech4Biowaste, BioeconomyVentures, Smartbox, Waste2Func 
and Bio Base Connect. As such, we can guarantee a diverse attendance reaching from investors, SMEs, start-ups, about-to-be start-ups, scale-ups, large companies, research organisations, technology providers to organisations offering relevant innovation services such as access to finance, scale-up trials, application testing, business plan writing, feedstock analysis, life cycle assessment, social acceptance, etc.
Participants are invited to submit a pitch application for a 6 minutes pitch. As we are organising 6 pitch sessions of 90 minutes each, we are looking for at least 66 inspiring pitches. Not to exclude any interesting developments, pitch categories are not defined upon registration but should be relevant for further development of the bioeconomy.
The matchmaking are one-on-one meetings of 15 minutes aimed at finding new partners. The scheduling of these meetings will be supported by an online matchmaking system, easy to use on a smartphone or laptop

Practical information


28 September 2021 from 10:00 to 17:00


Sheraton Hotel Brussels Airport


Vul het registratieformulier in om je plaats op het Pitch Perfect and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2021 event te reserveren.
Er zal een registratiefee van € 59 (excl. BTW) per deelnemer gerekend worden. Deze fee omvat het volgende:
Deelname aan alle activiteiten van het event (pitchen, matchmaking, networken)
koffiepauzes en lunch 
een afsluitend netwerkdrankje
De registratiefee zal aangerekend worden tijdens registratie zelf via een beveiligde tool aangeboden door Eventbrite. Je zal toegang krijgen tot Eventbrite eens je het registratieformulier hebt ingediend. BTW (21%) zal voor Belgische deelnemers aan de geafficheerde registratiefee worden toegevoegd.
Vergeten je registratiefee te betalen na registratie? Je kan dit meteen in orde brengen via deze link.




Register here!